The Rats are High?! Illinois Judge Partially Strikes Down Temp Staffing Law, Granting Win to Staffing Firms and Their Clients

According to this NBC News story, the New Orleans police department headquarters is in such bad condition that not only are there rats everywhere, but the rats are eating the marijuana from the police evidence lockers.

“They’re all high,” the police superintendent testified in a recent hearing. (Skip to 1:45 of the video. Showing great respect, she calls them “major rodents.”)

Staffing firms and businesses in Illinois were saying “Rats!” when Illinois amended its temp staffing law in late 2023, but now they might be feeling a bit of a high.

The 2023 amendment required staffing firms in Illinois to pay their temps wages and provide benefits that were equivalent to those received by similarly situated workers of the client business where they were placed. The law caused a decline in temp staffing use in Illinois, as businesses understandably didn’t want to disclose their wage and benefit structure to staffing firms.

Last week a federal judge provided some relief, entering an injunction that prevents part of the law from taking effect.

A group of staffing agencies had filed the federal lawsuit, arguing that the state law requirement to pay equivalent benefits was unlawful and preempted by ERISA. The judge agreed, finding that ERISA is intended to promote a consistent national approach to employee benefits and that Illinois could not use state law to impose benefit requirements on staffing agencies.

Section 42 of the amended state law is titled “Equal pay for equal work,” and it requires agencies to pay temporary employees who work at a particular site for more than ninety days within a year at least the same wages and “equivalent benefits” as the lowest paid, comparable, directly-hired employee employed by the third-party client. 820 ILCS 175/42. Or, instead of providing equivalent benefits, agencies could pay “the hourly cash equivalent of the actual cost benefits.”

The law also required the staffing agencies’ clients to provide the agencies with “all necessary information related to job duties, pay, and benefits of directly hired employees” to allow agencies to comply.

Illinois businesses using staffing agencies will still be required to disclose pay information, and the requirement that staffing workers receive equivalent pay remains in effect. But the benefits portion of the law will not be enforced.

Action Item: Staffing agency agreements in Illinois may need to be updated to account for the removal of this requirement. Clients of staffing agencies should not longer be required to disclose employee benefit information.

Now about those rats. They’re eating the marijuana in evidence lockers?! I wish they had rat-cam video of that.

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© 2024 Todd Lebowitz, posted on, Exploring Issues of Independent Contractor Misclassification and Joint Employment. All rights reserved.


No Unions? No Escape: NLRB’s Joint Employer Rule Imposes New Risks on Businesses Without Unions

TikTok star Matthew Lani earned a substantial following as a 27-year old medical prodigy, having graduated high school at age 16 before becoming a doctor. He posted videos of himself walking through a South African hospital, dishing out medical advice to his followers or selling them medication.

Lani, however, turns out not to be a doctor at all. When the ruse was uncovered and authorities went to arrest him, he said he had to pee and then tried to escape through a bathroom window. TikTok later banned his account.

The NLRB’s new joint employer rule has many employers trying to figure out whether they need a doctor or whether they can avoid the rule’s reach by escaping through a bathroom window.

Today we’ll answer questions about how the new joint employer rule affects non-union businesses.

We have no unions. Does the rule apply to me?

Yes, 100% yes. In fact, companies without unions may be most at risk here. If your business has vendors, suppliers, business partners, or even customers with employees, pay attention.

The point of the rule is that if your business exerts any control over any of the listed seven terms or conditions of employment, you’re a joint employer. In fact, the rule makes you a joint employer even if you merely have the right to exert control over one of these seven terms, even if you never do.

The listed terms and conditions are broader than the usual suspects, and they include control over health and safety matters.

If the other company’s workers are ever in your building while doing their jobs, you might be exercising control over their terms and conditions of employment without realizing it. Read more here.

What if the vendor’s employees don’t have a union?

Still yes. The rule may still directly affect your business’s rights and legal obligations.

What happens if I have no unions but am deemed a joint employer of someone else’s employees?

If you are a joint employer under the new rule, here’s what that means:

(1) If the other company’s employees form a union, your business would be required to participate in the collective bargaining process.

You’d be required to bargain regarding any term or condition that you have the authority to control. That could include your site-wide health and safety rules.

(2) If the other company’s employees have complaints about terms or conditions that your business can control, you cannot retaliate against them for raising these concerns.

Under federal labor law, all employees — including those not in unions — have the right to engage in protected concerted activity without being retaliated against.

Protected concerted activity can mean just about anything that involves more than one employee, including actions by one employee that are intended to seek support from other employees. Like an Instagram post or a Glassdoor review. Ending their assignment or asking the vendor to remove them from the project could be considered unlawful retaliation.

But these are not my employees? Why would I have to do these things?

Because joint employment.

The concept of joint employment is that more than one person can be the employer. If your business is deemed a joint employer of another company’s employees, then under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), you’re also their employer.

What about wage and hour law, unemployment compensation, and workers comp? Would I be a joint employer under those laws too?

No. The new NLRB joint employer rule applies only to the NLRA. Other laws have other tests for determining who is a joint employer.

You can be a joint employer under the NLRA and not a joint employer under other laws. But a finding of joint employment under one law could make it more likely that your business is deemed a joint employer under other laws — particularly if you comply with the new NLRB rule by, let’s say, participating in collective bargaining.

Do I need a real doctor, or will a TikTok doctor be good enough?

All businesses should pay attention to the new NLRB joint employer rule, even if you don’t have unions.

Proactively evaluate your risk of joint employment under the new rule. The whole point of the law is that you may be an employer of other workers without realizing it.

And you can’t escape the reach of the rule by climbing through a bathroom window.

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© 2023 Todd Lebowitz, posted on, Exploring Issues of Independent Contractor Misclassification and Joint Employment. All rights reserved.


Feeling At Risk? You Might Be, Now That NLRB Issued New Joint Employer Rule

I took this picture on Friday of a window washer at the Hilton across the street.

Late last week, the NLRB issued its new joint employer rule. I’ve listed three takeways below. Don’t be left hanging. Click here for the full Alert.

1) The National Labor Relations Board has issued a Final Rule that changes the test for determining who is a joint employer.

2) The Final Rule rescinds the Rule enacted in 2020 and adopts a test that will vastly expand the circumstances under which a company is a joint employer of the employees of another company.

3) The new rule may cause absurd results, including creating joint employment from the application of worksite safety rules to everyone onsite, including a vendor’s employees. The new rule requires joint employers to participate in the collective bargaining process.

The full Alert explains in more detail. If you are not subscribed to BakerHostetler employment law alerts, let me know and I’ll add you to the distribution list.

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© 2023 Todd Lebowitz, posted on, Exploring Issues of Independent Contractor Misclassification and Joint Employment. All rights reserved.


Snake & a Hawk: Illinois Passes Temp Worker Law, Imposes New Burdens on Companies

Not a hawk, but I like this picture I took in Utah a couple years ago

A woman in Texas was mowing her lawn last month when she was suddenly attacked by a snake and a hawk — at the same time. The hawk had been carrying the snake but dropped it. It landed on poor Peggy Jones. The snake wrapped itself around her arm. Still hungry, the hawk dove at Peggy to retrieve its tasty treat, clawing at her and the snake, and ripping up her arm in the process. Eventually the hawk won and flew off with the snake. Peggy had severe cuts and bruises, and her husband had to finish mowing the lawn.

We’ve got another double attack to report, this one in the world of temporary staffing.

Last week we wrote about New Jersey’s new temporary staffing law, which imposes new burdens on companies using temp staffing. Not wanting to be left out of the fun, Illinois has followed suit with a similar law.

The Illinois law imposes several new burdens on companies using temp staffing workers.

I’ve listed those obligations here, on the BakerHostetler Employment Law Spotlight blog. I list eight things that companies in Illinois will need to know.

I haven’t yet decided which law is the hawk and which is the snake. But both will inflict some pain.

Meanwhile, enjoy this song called Snake Hawk, by The Budos Band.

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© 2023 Todd Lebowitz, posted on, Exploring Issues of Independent Contractor Misclassification and Joint Employment. All rights reserved.


Unintended Consequences: NJ Temporary Worker Law May Cause Companies to Stop Using Temporary Workers

Postcard available for purchase!

Today we offer some fun facts about New Jersey. Raise your hand if you knew these things, but only if you are working from home because otherwise it would be weird:

  • The Lambert Castle Museum in Paterson has a spoon exhibit with over 5,400 spoons from every state and almost every country in the world.
  • The Passaic River in Paterson was the site of the first submarine ride in 1878 by its inventor John P. Holland.
  • New Jersey’s capital city, Trenton, was once the capital of the United States – but only for about eight weeks in 1784.

A less fun fact about New Jersey is that this past weekend, the NJ Temporary Workers’ Bill of Rights went into effect. It is a well-intentioned law that will have loads of unintended consequences. Rather than helping temp workers, the law’s requirements seem more likely to cause companies to stop using temp workers entirely.

The law’s requirements have been discussed elsewhere, and you can check out the BakerHostetler blog, The Bargaining Table, for a more complete discussion. But I want to focus on one aspect of the law that I think is particularly dumb and poorly drafted.

Section 7(b) requires that temp workers “shall not be paid less than the average rate of pay and average cost of benefits, or the cash equivalent thereof, of employees of the third party client performing the same or substantially similar work on jobs the performance of which requires equal skill, effort, and responsibility, and which are performed under similar working conditions for the third party client at the time the temporary laborer is assigned to work at the third party client. Each violation of this subsection for each affected temporary laborer shall constitute a separate violation….”

Take a minute to digest that. It requires that temps are paid at least as much as similarly situated regular employees, but not just in wages. You also have to add in the cost of benefits. The cash value of benefits is often around a third of total compensation.

Suppose you have full time maintenance employees who average $20/hour plus benefits. If the cash value of benefits are one-third of the worker’s compensation package, then the temp worker “shall not be paid less than” $26.67/hour. And that’s before the staffing agency takes its markup of, maybe, 35%. You’d have to pay $36/hour for a temp maintenance worker, and the temp worker’s take home pay will be 33% higher (because of the cash value of benefits) than your comparable maintenance employee.

What if the temp agency provides benefits? Unclear. Poorly drafted. The law sets the temp worker’s minimum wage based on the cash value of the benefits the similarly situated employees receive. Maybe if the temp worker gets benefits, then the temp’s hourly wage floor would be $20, not $26.67, but that’s not clear.

Not only does the law greatly increase the cost of using temp labor, it also requires the company using the staffing agency’s services to disclose to the staffing agency the average wages and cost of benefits it provides to its similarly situated employees. If your company didn’t disclose this information, the staffing agency wouldn’t be able to comply with the pay floor requirement.

A failure to comply results in joint liability. So now you need to make sure the staffing agency pays its temps a particular wage, calculated based on the wages your company pays its employees. In your staffing agency agreement, you’ll need to require the agency to pay a particular wage to ensure compliance.

Here’s where things get tricky. An indemnity provision might not be sufficient to shift liability because the law says both parties are liable. So you need a breach of contract claim to rely on instead.

To build a potential breach of contract claim, the company will want to contractually require the agency to pay the workers a wage that is not less than the average cost of the company’s wages and cost of benefits. But directing and controlling wages is a strong indicator of joint employment under other laws. The act of complying with the NJ law could turn companies into joint employers. The wording in any staffing agreement, therefore, needs to thread the needle.

The text in a staffing agency agreement (or amendment) will need to be carefully drafted so that the company is requiring only that the agency comply with NJ law with respect to wages and benefits and is not directing or controlling the wages and benefits that the agency pays its temps.

Something like this might work: “If required under N.J.S.A. [insert citation], but only to the extent required by such statute, Agency shall pay the temporary workers at a rate not less than the average rate of pay and average cost of benefits, or the cash equivalent thereof, of employees of the company performing the same or substantially similar work on jobs the performance of which requires equal skill, effort, and responsibility, and which are performed under similar working conditions for the company at the time the temporary laborer is assigned to work at the company.”

I don’t like telling the agency what it must pay its workers, but you’ll want a breach of contract claim available to you if the agency fails to comply and your company is jointly liable under the NJ law. An amendment to your staffing agency agreement is appropriate, but it needs to be carefully drafted.

And here’s another possible unintended consequence. How will your maintenance employees like being paid less than the maintenance temps? Maybe we need a union in here to get us a fair wage! I could see things going in that direction. If a temp can take home $26.67/hour, we want $26.67/hour too, not $20!

The NJ law does not apply to all temps. It applies to temps in these “occupational categories as designated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor:

  • 33-90000 Other Protective Service Workers;
  • 35-0000 Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations;
  • 37-35 0000 Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations;
  • 39-0000 Personal Care and Service Occupations;
  • 47-37 2060 Construction Laborers;
  • 47-30000 Helpers, Construction Trades;
  • 49-0000 Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations;
  • 51-0000 Production Occupations;
  • 53-0000 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations; or
  • any successor categories as the Bureau of Labor Statistics may designate.”

If all of this makes you want to take a long walk and get away, then fun fact: New Jersey has more than 4,000 miles of trails!

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© 2023 Todd Lebowitz, posted on, Exploring Issues of Independent Contractor Misclassification and Joint Employment. All rights reserved.


Today’s Riddle: Should I Cap a Temp’s Service at 6 months? 12 months?

I like riddles. How could you not? Here are two. Answers are at the bottom of the post:

1. What has to be broken before you can use it?
2. I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?

Getting back to business, here’s a question I have been asked many times. It seems a bit like a riddle, with no clear answer and requiring careful thought. But I’m going to declare No Riddle. That’s because I think there’s a straightforward answer, and it might not be what you were thinking.

Here’s the question (in case you are among the 0% of today’s readers who skipped this post’s headline):

Should we cap a temp’s assignment at 6 months? 12 months?

To answer today’s question, I’m going to have to ask you two questions. (Sorry, that’s how we play this game.)

Question 1: As temps, my assumption is that they are intermingled with the company’s employee workforce, doing the same thing as employees, working side by side with employees, and reporting to the company’s supervisors. Is that accurate?

Question 2: Are they employed by a staffing agency and treated by that staffing agency as its W2 employees?

If you answered yes to both, then the amount of time temps are assigned to the company will almost certainly have no bearing on their status. They will be employees of the agency and probably also joint employees of the company. There are various joint employment tests, and we can go through them (fun!) but it would be largely an academic exercise.

From a practical business standpoint, we should assume that any time the answer to my two questions are yes, these two conclusions will follow:

First, The entity receiving the services is likely to be a joint employer under the FLSA, NLRA, anti-discrimination law, and state laws, regardless of whether the temp is assigned for five months or five years. When temps are intermingled with employees in a staff aug situation, there is very likely joint employment, regardless of which test is applied. Arguments could be made under some tests that there is no joint employment, but for purposes of trying to answer the question above in a practical business-oriented way, I would assume there’s going to be joint employment.

Second, joint employment in this scenario is a risk inherent in working with temp staffing agencies. But that’s not necessarily a problem. Joint employment is not unlawful and, with one exception, joint employment only becomes a problem if the staffing agency/primary employer fails to do something it is legally required to do, such as pay overtime or minimum wage. In that event, both companies would be jointly liable if there is a joint employment relationship.

The one exception is the NLRA. If the company is a joint employer, then the various protections of the NLRA start to cross over the temp employee and direct employee populations, such that if the agency workers were to organize, the company might have to bargain with them; or there could be a mixed unit; or if agency workers picketed the company, it would not be illegal secondary picketing.

So, if the answer to both of my questions is yes, then I would not be concerned with the duration of assignment. The company is very likely a joint employer already.

Some companies have a practice of not engaging temps for more than six months or year before deciding either they don’t fit or they should be hired directly. But there is no rule of thumb, and this sort of practice is often implemented based on the misunderstanding that capping a temp’s service time would reduce the risk of joint employment in a staff aug situation.

In reality, it’s unlikely to make any difference. In a staff aug situation, once you’re in the swimming pool of joint employment, you’re wet. It doesn’t matter if you’re on the top step or in the deep end. And once you’re a joint employer, you might as well exercise as much control as you want. You can embrace it at that point.

The best way to protect the company against the risks and consequences of joint employment is in the contract with the staffing agency. Here are Ten Things That Should Be in Your Staffing Agency Agreement But Probably Aren’t.

On the other hand, if you would answer no to either of my two questions, then limiting the duration of the assignment could be helpful in reducing the risk of independent contractor misclassification, especially if the workers are 1099 contractors.

If the answer to either of the questions is no, then we’d have to dive deeper into the facts to be able to say whether limiting the duration of the assignment would make any difference at all.

So, did you get the answer to the two riddles? Scroll down to see the answers.







1. An egg
2. A candle

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© 2023 Todd Lebowitz, posted on, Exploring Issues of Independent Contractor Misclassification and Joint Employment. All rights reserved.


Ten Things That Should Be In Your Staffing Agency Agreements But Probably Aren’t

As promised during the Master Class session last week, here are Ten Things That Should Be in Your Staffing Agency Agreements But Probably Aren’t.

There are still four Master Class sessions to go. The next one will be Tuesday at 2pm ET, covering the NLRB and the Uncertain State of Labor Law. There is no charge to participate. CLE and HR credits are available. You can register here.

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© 2023 Todd Lebowitz, posted on, Exploring Issues of Independent Contractor Misclassification and Joint Employment. All rights reserved.


Airbag Jeans? Why You Should Address Disability Accommodations in Your Staffing Agency Agreements

Photo: Mo’cycle

A Swedish company has constructed airbag jeans for motorcyclists, designed to inflate for protection in the event of a crash. The denim-like fabric is water-repellent and abrasion-resistant. You can learn more here.

When riding a motorcycle, it’s smart to anticipate the possibility of injury. The same is true when engaging temps from a staffing agency.

Here’s what I mean. At some point, you’ll have a temp who requires reasonable accommodations for disabilities. The expense to accommodate might be small. But it might not be. Who pays for it, you or the staffing agency?

Last week, the EEOC announced a $119,000 settlement with a staffing company that rejected an applicant because of disabilities. The applicant, who is deaf, had been placed at a client. Before the applicant was to appear for work, a manager at the staffing agency cancelled the assignment, informing the applicant that the client did not have sign language interpreters available. The client, incidentally, was ready and willing to employ the applicant.

The EEOC’s news release doesn’t say whether the applicant actually needed an ASL interpreter or whether the client was planning to pay for one. But providing an ASL interpreter can be a reasonable accommodation. In a staffing agency relationship, who pays for reasonable accommodations needed by temps?

The best advice here is to plan ahead and put on those airbag jeans. Your contract with the staffing agency can address who pays for reasonable accommodations. All it takes is a short clause in the agreement. If the agency is paying, make sure there’s no markup on those expenses. Few staffing agency agreements address who pays for reasonable accommodations. But they should.

If you add a clause, differentiate between Title I and Title III obligations. Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits disability discrimination in employment. That’s the one you want to focus on. Title III of the ADA addresses public accessibility. You’ll pay for the wheelchair ramps and accessible doorways at your facility (Title III), but you may be able to shift the expenses of Title I compliance to the agency.

It’s also a good idea to make sure managers know to involve HR if disability or accommodation issues arise. You don’t want a manager saying “we can’t accommodate that” and ending a temp’s assignment.

Airbag jeans will be sold for $499 a pair. Reasonable accommodations may cost more. Either way, it’s smart to plan ahead and build protections in to your staffing agency agreement.

On March 7, I’ll be speaking at the 10th Annual Labor Relations and Employment Law Master Class Series, addressing recent developments in the contingent workforce area. I’ll be addressing joint employment and staffing agency relationships, and I plan to offer a list of ten items that should be in your staffing agency agreements but probably aren’t

Sign up here to learn more. There is no charge to attend the webinar.

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© 2023 Todd Lebowitz, posted on, Exploring Issues of Independent Contractor Misclassification and Joint Employment. All rights reserved.


Lost Your Bill of Rights? Here’s a New One for New Jersey Temp Workers

What Companies Using Temps In New Jersey Need to Know

According to the National Constitution Center, there were 14 original copies of the Bill of Rights, with one sent to each of the 13 states and another kept by the federal government. The Center also reports, however, that four of the states — Georgia, Maryland, New York, and Pennsylvania — lost their copies. North Carolina’s was stolen by a Union soldier during the Civil War but recovered in 2002 through an FBI sting. (“Hey buddy, I’m lookin’ to buy a Bill of Rights. Ya know anyone?”)

New Jersey kept its copy, but also just added some new stuff. Sort of.

This month, New Jersey passed the Temporary Workers Bill of Rights. It’s less sweeping than the original 1791 Bill of Rights, but it co-opts the important sounding name to get everyone’s attention and to show constituents that the lawmakers are doing really important things that warrant re-election, financial support, the undying love of chatbots, etc.

New Jersey lawmakers love the “Bill of Rights” tag, by the way, having also recently passed a Siblings’ Bill of Rights, a Property Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights, and a Nursing Home Residents’ Bill of Rights.

The Temporary Workers’ Bill of Rights imposes new burdens on staffing agencies and the companies using temp workers. This post will focus on the obligations imposed by the companies using the temp workers.

Does the Bill apply to your industry?

The Bill applies to temp workers assigned by a temp staffing firm to work in any of the following industries, using Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) designations:

  • 33-90000 Other Protective Service Workers
  • 35-0000 Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
  • 37-0000 Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations
  • 39-0000 Personal Care and Service Occupations
  • 47-2060 Construction Laborers
  • 47-30000 Helpers, Construction Trades
  • 49-0000 Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations
  • 51-0000 Production Occupations
  • 53-0000 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations

If you’re not in one of these industries, stop reading and get on with your day.

What obligations does the Bill impose on the users of temp labor?

1. Equal Pay. This sounds fair but may be problematic in practice. Temp workers must be paid “not less than the average rate of pay and average cost of benefits, or the cash equivalent thereof” of the user’s similarly situated employees.

I see two immediate problems here.

First, one of the benefits of using a staffing agency is the ability to pay the temps less until they prove themselves and earn an offer of direct hire. No longer. Now you’ll have to pay the same amount as you pay your regular workers, plus the markup.

Second, how is the staffing agency going to know the wages paid to your similarly situated regular workers and the value of the benefits package you provide them? Presumably you’ll have to tell the staffing agency.

But the staffing agency is not your confidant or fiduciary. It has multiple clients, probably including your competitors. Do you really want the staffing agency to know what your cost of insurance is, or what you pay your regular workers, or the full suite of benefits you offer? The staffing agency will have to adjust what it charges you — and your competitors — based on what each of its clients pay their similarly situated worker. That sounds like a pretty useful set of data for anyone wanting to know what competitors are doing.

You can (and should) designate this information as confidential when disclosing it to a staffing agency, and you should make sure your staffing agency agreement includes an obligation to protect confidential information. But is the information really that safe from prying eyes? If a competitor or temp worker is involved in litigation, couldn’t this information be subject to subpoena? Once you reveal this information, you lose a good bit of control over it.

2. Freedom to direct hire. Under the new law, temp workers must be free to accept offers of direct hire. Staffing agencies cannot restrict the workers’ ability to accept offers of direct hire. The agency can impose a “placement fee” on its client (you), but the amount is limited by statute.

The amount of the placement fee cannot exceed “the equivalent of the total daily commission rate the temporary help service firm would have received over a 60-day period, reduced by the equivalent of the daily commission rate the temporary help service firm would have received for each day the temporary laborer has performed work for the temporary help service firm in the preceding 12 months.”

For purposes of contracting, any provisions prohibiting direct hire for limited periods of time need to be removed. Instead, staffing contracts (in NJ, for these job classifications) should permit direct hire but may charge a permitted placement fee.

3. Reimbursement of tax obligations. The user of services is required to reimburse the temp agency for wages and “related payroll taxes.” Presumably this is already basked into the markup, but now it’s required.

4. Joint and several liability. The law imposes joint liability for any violations of the equal pay or direct hire provisions. Consider what that means for equal pay. You might have to disclose to the temp agency what you pay your similarly situated employees, but you don’t control the temp agency’s payroll practices. If they mess up and pay the temp worker less than the law requires, the law says you’ll be jointly liable.

Who said anything about fair?

Be sure your staffing agency agreement includes robust indemnity provisions. The agreement should also create a contractual obligation for the temp agency to pay workers all amounts they are due under the law so that, if the agency fails to do so, you can point to a breach of contract when seeking indemnity. Indemnity claims based purely on the law could be subject to challenge since the law also says there is joint liability.


This Temporary Workers’ Bill of Rights applies only to certain industries in New Jersey but, for users of temps in these industries, the law creates important new obligations.

For violations, the law allows for a private right of action and carries a six-year statute of limitations.

If you use temp labor in New Jersey in one of the covered industries, be sure you understand the new requirements. This would be a good time to go back and revisit your staffing agency agreements. They may need some tidying up.

Also consider requiring temp workers to sign individual arbitration agreements as a condition of being placed at your worksite. This strategy can help insulate you from a class action filed against both the temp agency and your company. Class actions against both entities are a particular concern, given the joint liability section of the new law.

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© 2023 Todd Lebowitz, posted on, Exploring Issues of Independent Contractor Misclassification and Joint Employment. All rights reserved.


Joint Employment Test Gets Muddied Again: Federal Court Rejects New DOL Test

Muddy Waters is how you want your blues, not how you want your laws.

A federal district judge in New York last week kicked up a lot of mud in an area of the law that had finally seen some clarity – the definition of “joint employment.” Now we’re back in the muck.

Click here to read all about it, and let me know if you; like to subscribe to the BakerHostetler Employment Law Spotlight Blog, where I originally posted this week’s post.

© 2020 Todd Lebowitz, posted on, Exploring Issues of Independent Contractor Misclassification and Joint Employment. All rights reserved.

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